Why Don’t Solar Power Panel Manufacturers Use Their Own Solar Panels To Power Their Factories?

3 thoughts on “Why Don’t Solar Power Panel Manufacturers Use Their Own Solar Panels To Power Their Factories?”

  1. some do, but solar doesn’t make enough power right now to run a large manufacturing plant by itself, unless u had a whole lot of panels which they might not have room for.

  2. wow what a great question if it is true. I would guess that it might be a matter of scale. They may not have enough room on their roof for their power requirements. Factories typically use a lot more power per square foot of their buildings than, for example, residential applications. Perhaps they could partner with neighboring landowners for their space.

  3. Simple. First, you need a very large battery or some sort of storage facility to (obviously) store the power you may have gained from the panels.
    Second, individual political and financial agenda which I don’t have enough time to enumerate and explain to you.

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