Buying Solar Panel Kits – Are You Ready?

Solar panel kits are great for people who would like to start a green project at home on budget. But, not all kits will be suitable for your home needs, and careful planning is a must before you head off to the supply store.

If you have prior experience with installing solar devices, you may have good knowledge about which parts you need and how each of them works. You may just purchase your kit from an online store and resemble the parts with minimum need for technical suggestions or support.

However, if you are totally clueless about solar panels, you should do some thorough research and select a reputable supplier who provides quality service. You should only buy the DIY kit that are accompanied by installation manual, preferably with a good amount of illustrations. Check with the supplier whether he can also be accessed by telephone, as email communication may not work sufficiently for you. Ideally, the supplier can send over his staff in case you require in-person help with installation.

Turning to technical planning, it is crucial that you tell your supplier about your home’s current energy consumption status and your projected energy requirements, so that he can work out the exact size and configurations of the solar kit that will meet your expectation. Without this step, you may end up buying a kit that is either too big or too small, which will either waster you money or fail to perform required job.

Professional solar kit suppliers will also ask about the exact location of your house, how it is situated towards the sun, whether you have trees and other buildings around, and the average outdoor temperature year round. These factors will all impact on how efficiently your solar panel works, and determine what technical features your panel needs to have.

You also need to consider purchasing batteries for storing excessive electricity, so that you do not have to go back to the grid at nights or on raining days. There are a range of batteries to choose from. Different batteries have different life spans, different needs for maintenance, and therefore different prices. Getting expert help in your selection will allow you to get the best value for your money.

A word of caution about prices. Solar panels come in with a variety of combination of voltages and amperage, and hence price tags vary. Do your research first and you will understand why some are more expensive than the others and whether it is worth spending more. Again, seek the expert help from reputable manufacturers so that you only pay for what you want – no more, no less.

Going for DIY solar panel kits is no small project at all, however cost-effective it is compared to buying ready-made solar devices. As such, you should not just do enough research, but also ask all your questions and test the suppliers’ services before you spend your money. It costs you time, but you will be rewarded with a satisfactory purchase.

Click here for an excellent resource about using alternative energy power at home.

Click here for a related article about thin film solar panels.