Don’t Buy Solar Panels Build Your Own Solar System Easily and Save $1,000’s

If you want to buy solar panels maybe you did not know it’s very easy and cost effective to learn how to build your own solar panels. With the rising cost of energy many people are looking at installing solar energy to save on energy bills. But when they look at the prices of a professionally built solar system they realize the enormous cost involved with these systems and many shy away from the idea of solar power.

But what most do not realize is how easy and cost effective building your own solar panels really is compared to a professionally made solar system. You will have control over how big or small a system you want or need, the quality of the materials you use and will be able to understand how the whole system is put together. That gives you the knowledge of being able to repair or add to the solar panels as your needs may increase.

Once you have a good quality instruction manual on how to make solar panels you can find all the supplies you need at your hardware store. There are several places where you can get photovoltaic cells to use in your project at greatly reduced prices. Once you have everything you need you can build a solar panels in about a day in your garage or backyard.

Over all the price of building your own solar panels than if you buy solar panels spending a little extra on a really good quality instruction manual is a good and wise investment. With a little planning and motivation you can build your own solar panels to power your home, office or work shop and feel very proud of the fact you have a clean cheap source of energy that will save you money for years to come.

The next time the power goes out on your block you can take great pride that you have your own homemade solar panels, and you built them yourself.

50 Watt Solar Panel – CDT-50w 12V Crystalline PV module #31050

  • 36 premier Kyocera solar cells connected in series providing optimum battery charging power.
  • Impact resistant tempered glass surface allows maximum light transmission.
  • Robust anodized light weight aluminum tubular frames includes mounting holes for quick installation.
  • Weather resistant junction box contains bypass diode and is conduit ready with strip connectors.
  • Engineered for the rugged location to withstand hail, snow and ice.

Product Description
Glass front, framed solar panel, rated at 50 watts.Kyocera solar cells connected in series providing optimum battery charging power. Impact resistant tempered glass surface allows maximum light transmission. Robust anodized light weight aluminum tubular frames includes mounting holes for quick installation. Weather resistant junction box contains bypass diode and is conduit ready with strip connectors. Engineered for the rugged locations to withstand hail, snow and … More >>

50 Watt Solar Panel – CDT-50w 12V Crystalline PV module #31050