With the average homeowner paying upwards of $1200 a year on electricity wouldn’t it be nice if it were possible to cut that amount in half or maybe even more? Energy cost are only going up and up and wages don’t seem to be compensating for the increase, so what’s the solution?
Many people are starting to look for alternative energy sources like Solar, to see if they can save some money, and help the environment while they are at it. This is starting to catch on and it seems that every Tom, Dick and Mary is putting out solar power system tutorials to see if they can’t capitalize on it. What I would like to do in this article is try and give you a heads up on what to look for when searching to find a good solar power tutorial.
Legit Testimonials – Almost every tutorial that you look for online will give you glowing customer testimonials to prove that their product will work for you. One thing that you can look for to make sure the testimonial is legit is a website address after the testimonial that will take you to that customers web page where you can contact him/her for a more detailed testimonial.
Another thing that you can look for is e-mail testimonials or video testimonials which are much harder to fake. You may also want to type in the name of the tutorial that you are researching into Google followed by the word “forum” (without the quotes) to see what people in the forums are saying about that particular tutorial. It’s usually easier to tell if someone is being truthful here or if they are just trying to make a sale.
Step by Step – Some of the tutorials that you will find online are nothing more than a copy and paste from a legit solar power tutorial with a few words changed to make it their own. They will usually add a bunch of filler material which will tell you nothing about how to build your own solar panels and will leave you hanging on knowing what to do next.
Look for something that will take you by the hand step by step on exactly what you need to do to make your first Solar Power system. A tutorial that will provide video and 1 on 1 support is something that you should also consider as there is sure to be questions that you are going to need answered.
Trying to find legit Solar Power System Tutorials can be a real challenge. I hope my article helped you know where to look. So, don’t bother paying the big bucks to the solar panel makers, just build it yourself!
Now If your looking for a simple and plain step by step guide on exactly how to do just that along with some great video tutorials go to: http://www.alternativeenergysourcesforhomes.com and you will find all that you need to get started today!