Building solar panels you need to use common hand tools and inexpensive and easy to acquire materials to build a solar panel that rivals commercial panels in power.
To start building your  solar panels you need to purchase Solar Cells and this information is readily available on the internet.
Solar cells are obviously the most important part and the best place is to search eBay for your solar cells.
It is a good idea to get complete cells for your first project, complete solar cells refer to the tabbing wire already soldered onto the cells. You pay extra but save time when you start to build.
A common sale from ebay is around 73 of 3 X 6 mono-crystalline solar cells but it only  takes a total of 36 – 3 X 6 mono-crystalline solar cells wired in series to make a panel.
Start out with just 9 cells that have had the ribbon wires soldered. Lay the soldered wire end from the front of one cell across the solder points on the back of the other cell.
Continued this until you have a line of 9 cells soldered together. Then made three more lines of 9 cells.
Used a low-Wattage soldering iron (20/30 watt) and fine rosin-core solder and used a rosin flux pen on the solder points on the back of the cells before soldering.
Use a real light touch with the soldering iron.
Your solar panel should always use the same size and same type of solar cells.
 You should always work out the final wattage, volts, and amps of your solar panel.
Each cell produces about 1/2 Volt. 36 in series would give about 18 volts which is perfect for charging 12 volt batteries.
This type of solar cell is as thin as paper and as brittle and fragile as glass and can be easily damaged.
You will also need ribbon & bus wire and a flux pen that usually comes as a lot on ebay.
When determining the total Wattage of a solar panel you should use this simple electrical equation.
Watts = Volts x Amps
Know any two of the equation and you work out the Third variable.
Directions and easy to follow steps are available from the many energy sites.
Some better than others.
Connecting your home solar power system to the power grid allows you to qualify for net metering in many states.
Net metering measures the excess power you generate with your combination of solar power panels and homemade wind power generator and direct it back into your local power grid.
Bret Parker comprehensive manuals and Videos on how to make a solar panel
How to make solar panels, home made diy build solar panels and information you’ll need to build a complete diy home solar power system and how to use solar electricity.